New data on Australia’s fossil fuel exports places us among the world’s biggest climate polluters

New research has revealed Australia is the second-largest climate polluter when calculated by total carbon emissions from its massive fossil fuel exports – beaten only by Russia, but ahead of every OPEC country and the United States.

Commissioned by the Australian Human Rights Institute through its Australian Climate Accountability Project and undertaken by Climate Analytics, the research measures ‘total lifecycle’ carbon emissions for Australia’s fossil fuel exports. It shows they are playing a substantial role in driving climate pollution and global warming.

Released today, Escalation: The destructive force of Australia’s fossil fuel exports on our climate, examines these vast coal and gas exports and the climate consequences for people in Australia.

“Australia’s own fossil fuel exports are doubling back on us and making devastating events like the 2022 Lismore and NSW floods, and the Black Summer bushfires more likely to happen, more often and more severely,” said Australian Climate Accountability Project lead Gillian Moon.

“Our own exports are helping make Australia’s climate more dangerous and costly to live in, selling our children and their futures short.”

The report compiles exports and emissions data and climate risk case studies to show how Australia’s exports are escalating the risks from extreme weather for people in Australia, their homes, their livelihoods and the services on which they depend.

“Incredibly, Australia has no plan for limiting or reducing the exports that are escalating dangerous climate change for its own population. We need to urgently develop our plan for a managed national phase-out of the exports – just as we’re doing for our domestic emissions,” said Ms Moon.

“That’s not asking Australia to abruptly stop the exports; it’s asking for Australia to have a concrete and ambitious plan where we work cooperatively with affected communities and our overseas buyers towards an orderly and just phase-out of these massively polluting exports.”

Key findings

  • Australia presents itself as a minor contributor to climate change when, in fact, it is one of the world’s largest fossil fuel-exporting states. It also has no policy to restrict or limit its fossil fuel exports.
  • Emissions from Australia’s fossil fuel exports are doubling back in the form of escalating climate risks, damage and destruction for its own population.
  • Australia must urgently implement an ambitious national plan to phase-out its fossil fuel export production in an orderly, cooperative and just manner.