There are currently more than 220 Institute Associates from across all UNSW faculties and partner institutions.

Institute Associates have expertise across a broad array of issues. They foster and deliver interdisciplinary, applied research with a human rights focus, and are regularly featured in media and policy debates, addressing and influencing human rights challenges.​

Associates have the opportunity to work with leading human rights researchers and educators in the development of their work.​

The benefits of becoming an Institute Associate include:

  • Funding opportunities; seed funding, joint seed funding, and Category 1 grant funding support
  • Communications support and promotion via the Institute’s social media channels, newsletters, mailing lists, and broad networks
  • The opportunity to work with leading human rights researchers and educators
  • The opportunity to network, connect, and collaborate with researchers from across UNSW.

You can learn more about the successful Associate recipients of our seed funding grants from 2021-2024 here.

Applications to become an Associate of the Institute will be accepted on a rolling basis. Associates must be UNSW academics (including those at affiliated research institutes), or UNSW PhD students. 

Institute Associates Terms of Membership available here.