Dr Esther Alloun
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... social determinants of health and intersectional disadvantage; refugees; Palestine/Israel.
Dr Meghan Ambrens
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... age-related stereotyping and discrimination.
Dr Maryann Barrington
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... understanding and improving models of preventative healthcare for people with an intellectual disability, healthcare access, health equity, inclusive research.
Dr Deborah Barros Leal Farias
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... populism, global governance and the international political economy of developing countries.
Dr Monika Barthwal-Datta
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... non-traditional security issues, particularly food security; non-state actors and regional security challenges in South Asia, and Indian foreign policy.
Dr Zoe Bell
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the Rohingya community.
Dr Rachel Berry
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... ethical use of AI and ensuring that technology serves to protect human rights rather than enabling abuse.
Dr Amy Bestman
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... public health inequity in vulnerable populations such as children, disadvantaged communities, individuals experiencing gambling harm and, CALD population groups.
Dr Soumyadeep Bhaumik
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... health policy, evidence-based medicine; health systems; migrant health; COVID-19.
Dr Asal Bidarmaghz
Talk to me about... ground modelling, geo-energy systems and structures, hydro-thermal characteristics of ground and underground structures synergistically with above ground built environment.
Dr Naama Blatman-Thomas
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... settler-colonial and Indigenous urbanism, and carceral geographies and planning. Across both strands I focus on rights and justice regimes, including Indigenous land rights and the criminal justice system. In particular, my research seeks to impact how cities are planning and designed towards decolonial, just, and liberatory outcomes.
Associate Professor Jonathan Bonnitcha
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... international economic governance, with a particular interest in investment treaties.
Associate Professor Gautam Bose
Talk to me about... microeconomics including theoretical models of intermediation, search and matching markets, and the theory of contests; corruption in developing economies; labour markets and contracts, as well as women's labour market participation; behavioural economics, and exploring the formation and impact of social norms.
Dr Srinjoy Bose
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... political order and violence, international intervention, rebel governance, and the political economy of statebuilding and peacebuilding in 'fragile' and deeply divided states and societies, with a geographic focus on Southwest Asia and the Middle East.
Dr Bruce Bradbury
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... poverty and inequality, the measurement of living standards, income support and labour market policies, consumer equivalence scales, and the geographic dimensions of social policies.
Professor Jan Breckenridge
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... gendered violence, including domestic, family and sexual violence and workplace responses; economic and financial abuse; homelessness and the potential of safe at home programs for women and children affected by domestic and family violence.
Dr Timothy Broady
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... communities affected by bloodborne viruses (BBVs) and sexually transmissible infections (STIs). I manage the GBQ+ Community Periodic Surveys, contributing to HIV behavioural surveillance across Australia. I also manage the national Stigma Indicators Monitoring Project, which periodically measures the experience and expression of stigma towards people living with BBVs and STIs and community groups who are disproportionately affected by them. My work relates to human rights in terms of equitable access to healthcare for marginalised populations.
Professor Tony Butler
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about...The nexus between the health and justice systems, and how public health approaches to research in the justice system can be of benefit to this area.
Dr Emma Buxton-Namisnyk
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... business and human rights; human rights law; remedy.
Emeritus Professor Andrew Byrnes
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... UN human rights standards and procedures, gender, disability and older persons rights, bills of rights and domestic implementation of human rights.
Dr Yulisha Byrow
Talk to me about... understanding why some refugees adapt better than others despite having faced similar traumatic experiences and includes identifying psychological mechanisms contributing to the mental health and psychosocial adaptation of adult and child refugees during resettlement.
Dr Allison Carter
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... strengthening responses to gender, social justice, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Dr David Carter
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... improving access to justice and quality of life for those living with Hepatitis B or HIV in Australia by removing legal barriers to testing and treatment.
Assoc. Professor Emma Christopher
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the Transatlantic Slave Trade, slavery's links to convict transportation and Pacific Islander labour, West Africa, historical slavery, and modern slavery.
Anna Conway
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... drug use, drug treatment, and hepatitis C; barriers to health and wellbeing at the program and policy levels.
Assoc. Professor Kristle Romero Cortes
Talk to me about... financial intermediation, empirical corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance, and the structure, optimisation, and regulatory practices of the financial services industry.
Professor Melissa Crouch
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... constitutional democracy, authoritarian regimes and the rule of law in Asia.
Dr Andrew Dansie
Talk to me about... water and air quality projects in low and middle-income countries, bringing extensive experience working in the United Nations system.
Professor Tom Denson
Talk to me about... the causes, consequences, and prevention of anger-driven aggression.
Dr Kev (George) Dertadian
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... drug policy and non-carceral responses to drug use, including the non-medical use of pharmaceuticals and injection drug use, and especially in relation to qualitative and field-based research with people who use drugs.
Dr Poppy de Souza
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the aesthetics, ethics, poetics, and politics of 'voice' and 'listening' in conditions of inequality and injustice with a focus on sites and practices of resistance and transformation.
Professor Helen Dickinson
School of Business, UNSW Canberra
Talk to me about... disability policy and services and technologies of caring.
Professor Kate Dolan
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... the transmission and prevention of infectious diseases in prison.
Dr Kerryn Drysdale
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... bringing a critical cultural lens to everyday lived experiences as they pertain to public health concerns; specifically, how to respond to health inequities in vulnerable and marginalised communities, and the value of paying close attention to social scenes for LGBTQ+ people.
Emeritus Professor Andrea Durbach
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... transitional justice and reparations, public interest litigation, gender justice, and health and human rights.
Dr Dorna Esrafilzadeh
Talk to me about... health and medical devices, as well as carbon dioxide reduction and green energy systems.
Dr Lisa Ewenson
Arts, Design and Architecture
Talk to me about... youth justice detention as well as disaster justice issues and the right to housing.
Research profile.
Assoc. Professor Bassina Farbenblum
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... exploitation of migrant workers and the rights of migrant workers in Australia, Asia, the United States and globally.
Professor Karen Fisher
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the organisation of social services in Australia and China, including disability and mental health community services; inclusive research and evaluation methodology; and social policy process.
Dr Kingsley Fong
Talk to me about... market microstructure, household finance, Investment, sustainable finance.
Professor Caroline Ford
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... biomedical research that aims to improve outcomes for women with endometriosis and gynaecological cancers
Christine Forster
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... gender equality, sex discrimination.
Benjamin Garcia-Lee
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... marginalisation and exclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
Assoc. Professor Nitika Garg
Talk to me about... the influence of emotions on consumer judgment and decision making, including choice and consumption.
Assoc. Professor Maria Giannacopoulos
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... the intersections of law and colonialism, and expanding carcerality and its impacts upon marginalised communities: refugees, migrants, Indigenous and criminalised peoples.
Althea Gibson
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... DFSV, the intersection of criminal and child protection laws, and women in prison.
Dr Natasha Ginnivan
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... ageism, implicit attitudes to ageing, ageing in marginalised populations, and ways of improving age expectations through psychosocial and evidence-based interventions.
Dr Lydia Gitau
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... investigating post-conflict interventions that have potential to support healing and peacebuilding for survivors of conflict, mass violence and refugee trauma.
Professor Donna Green
Talk to me about... climate change impacts on human health, air pollution, domestic energy policy and environmental justice.
Professor Ben Golder
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... critical legal theory and contemporary political theory; postfoundational approaches to human; specifically, asking questions about what human rights can and cannot achieve politically, about who qualifies as a subject of human rights, and about the viability of non-human-rights-based frameworks for emancipation and global justice.
Dr Penny Griffin
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... economic governance, financial crisis and the 'post-crisis' period from a gender perspective.
Assoc. Professor Fiona Anne Haigh
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... health impact assessment, health inequalities, health and human rights and interdisciplinary research and education.
Dr Faraidoon Haghdoost
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... headache disorders, especially migraine disease, and growing awareness of the need for headache-specific research.
Dr Bridget Haire
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... the ethical issues in infectious disease control with an emphasis on underserved or marginalised populations; gender; and sexual and reproductive health.
Emeritus Professor Pamela Hanrahan
Talk to me about... corporate law, corporate governance, superannuation and financial services regulation, and the legal dimensions of sustainability
Dr Anikó Hatoss
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the social, cultural and linguistic adjustment of immigrant communities, intergenerational language maintenance and shift, language and identity, sociolinguistics of multilingualism, linguistic landscapes, oral narratives, bilingual parenting and community-based language planning.
Dr Benjamin Hegarty
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... transgender citizenship, health, and rights in Indonesia, and context that has seen increased contestation over the rights of LGBTIQ+ people in the past five years.
Dr Allison Henry
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... human rights, sexual violence, national and international politics, advocacy and civil society.
Dr Maree Higgins
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... participatory methods and human rights informed research with refugee-background co-researchers, people of African descent, older people, people with disability, and people in forensic justice.
Research profile here.
Dr Joel Hoffman
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... moral injury in refugees; psychosocial adaptation of refugees and asylum seekers in contexts of sustained displacement; underlying mechanisms of treatment outcomes for refugees with PTSD.
Dr Fei Huang
Talk to me about... responsible data-driven decision-making and customer management in the insurance industry, utilising tools from statistics, machine learning, economics, and marketing, fair insurance pricing, algorithmic bias, interpretable machine learning, customer lifetime value, customer retention, and mortality modelling.
Dr Jane Ye In Hwang
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... human rights issues arising at the intersection of justice and health, as well as the implications of ageing in marginalised populations.
Dr Elnaz Irannezhad
Talk to me about... logistics, supply chain and freight transportation, agent-based modelling, Mobility and Logistics as a Service, automated vehicles, and blockchain technology.
Dr Divya Jayakumar Nair
Talk to me about... Protecting human rights, integrating human rights considerations into the multilateral humanitarian system’s planning and establishing human-rights based approach to humanitarian action with a view to securing the participation of the affected population has been the primary focus.
Dr Divya Jayakumar Nair
Talk to me about... transportation engineering, transport infrastructure resilience, traffic assignment, network design, highway engineering, operations research, statistical modelling, data mining, traffic flow theory, autonomous vehicle, humanitarian logistics.
Dr Veronica Jiang
Talk to me about... reimagining and enhancing the educational experience for students of all backgrounds.
Professor Fleur Johns
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... international law, legal theory and law and technology with a current focus on how digital technology may impact humanitarianism, disaster relief, and global governance.
Dr Paula Jops
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... building a social public health system for a just and equitable response to public health challenges.
Dr Aditya Joshi
Talk to me about... artificial intelligence (AI), specifically natural language processing.
Dr Daniel Joyce
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... media and human rights, addressing topics including: internet freedom, digital privacy, intermediary liability, social media regulation, and the role of digital media infrastructure as a tool for human rights.
Dr Andy Kaladelfos
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... sexual and gender-based violence, queer criminology, immigration regulation, and homophobic and transphobic violence.
Associate Professor Mohsen Kalantari
Talk to me about... engineering geospatial systems in support of land tenure systems to secure formal and informal land and property rights.
Dr Ahilan Kanagasundaram
Talk to me about... developing machine learning and deep learning models for load forecasting and solar PV power forecasting. Additionally, I develop systems to automate the scheduling of maintenance tasks for renewable energy infrastructure.
Dr George Christopher Karystianis
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... domestic violence, its at-risk populations and the related mental health status of perpetrators, and victims and cross-disciplinary approaches that make the most out of big data.
Assoc. Professor Ann Kayis-Kumar
Talk to me about... conceptualising tax as a mechanism to achieve social justice across the taxpaying spectrum; ranging from improving the integrity of taxing multinationals to improving the wellbeing of financially vulnerable individuals and small businesses.
Matthew Kelly
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... how urban and regional planners affect the recognition of Aboriginal people’s rights and interests in the NSW planning system.
Assoc. Professor Angela Kelly-Hanku
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... gender and sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, young people, and gender-based violence, infectious diseases of global significance such as HIV, TB, STIs, Hepatitis B, HPV and cervical cancer and COVID-19.
Dr Gail Kenning
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... socially engaged practices, participatory engagement and co-design approaches to understand and support psychosocial wellbeing.
Dr Dharani Keyan
Talk to me about... the mechanistic science underpinning psychotherapy interventions, global mental health involving research into testing the evidence-base for programs and interventions disseminated in low and middle income country settings.
Professor Michael Kidd
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... cross university research, policy and advocacy centre on future health system.
Dr Kim Kiely
Talk to me about... life-course epidemiology, social psychiatry, and gero-psychology, healthy and productive ageing.
Assoc. Professor Mira Kim
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... translation studies, Systemic Functional Linguistics and personalised language learning.
Dr Angela Kintominas
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... gender, migration, care work, social reproduction, feminist legal theory.
Assoc. Professor Sam Kirshner
Talk to me about... behavioural decision making in operations and technology management and how algorithms and artificial intelligence impact decision making.
Professor Natalie Klein
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... the law of the sea and international dispute settlement, and how existing principles of the law of the sea could better accommodate human rights obligations.
Dr Elisabeth (Lis) Kramer
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... corruption and anticorruptionism, politics, policy and interest-based advocacy, with a focus on Indonesia.
Dr Sujith Kumar
Kirby Institute
Talk to me about... health access among marginalised and key populations, and LGBTQ+ rights in the Asia-Pacific region.
Professor Jackie Leach Scully
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Talk to me about... ethical issues that affect people with disability and other marginalised groups.
Professor Johannes le Coutre
Talk to me about... food security, improving food productivity and making available the calories needed to nourish our global population by 2050.
Assoc. Professor Pierre Le-Clech
Talk to me about... water and wastewater treatment, desalination, humanitarian engineering.
Assoc. Professor Carmen Leong
Talk to me about... the use of digital technologies in organizing for social purposes such as entrepreneurship, rural poverty, disaster response, mass mobilisation, and in the process of transforming an organization and pre-existing management practices.
Ebony Lewis
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... improving the end-of-life experience for older people with advanced chronic illness.
Assoc. Professor Binghao Li
Talk to me about... indoor positioning, pedestrian navigation, satellite positioning and navigation and mine internet of things.
Dr Yao-Ti Li
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... Temporary migrant workers, labour rights, exploitation, race and ethnicity, identity.
Assoc. Professor Youngdeck Lim
Talk to me about... financial wellbeing, domestic violence, and mental health issues among small business owners.
Professor Lucas Lixinski
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... the adjudication of human rights by international courts and quasi-courts; and the safeguarding of cultural rights.
Dr Angelica Ly
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... understanding the social determinants of health inequity that create barriers to affordable eye care amongst adults at risk of vision loss in Australia.
Emeritus Professor Martin Lyons
Art, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about… the history of illiteracy, historical barriers to reading and writing, the social inclusion of partially-literate people, ‘writing upwards’, i.e. how the weak petition and write to the powerful, their political leaders, church leaders, employers.
Dr Annie Madden
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... drug user representation in high level policy contexts.
Dr Rahat Masood
Talk to me about... cybersecurity, social sciences, law, and human psychology.
Dr James McGibbon
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... public health, sexual health, health equity, HIV prevention, gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men and queer people.
Dr Ingrid Matthews
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... sovereignty and self-determination; everyday human rights violations by police; decarceration and abolition; anti-racist and anti-colonial epistemologies; ontology of legal pluralism on colonised lands.
Assoc. Professor Ruth McCausland
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Talk to me about... systemic and community-led responses to criminalisation and incarceration.
Dr Heather McCormack
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... sexual health, healthy equity and accessibility for populations experiencing marginalisation.
Associate Professor Alyce McGovern
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... crime, media and culture, including police public relations and image work and police use of social media, and knitting graffiti and craftivism
Professor Luke McNamara
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... social justice impacts of criminalisation and the criminal justice system
Associate Professor Marilu Melo Zurita
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... disasters and their impacts particularly on women. Disability and disasters in the Philippines and Mexico.
Assoc. Professor Christopher Michaelsen
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... general human rights law, European human rights law, international law and security.
Dr Stefan Michalski
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... intellectual disability and the application of virtual reality in clinical and real-world settings.
Gillian Moon
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... international economic law, particularly WTO law, and its intersections with human rights, development, and climate change.
Dr Patricia Morgan
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... qualitative phenomenological research, social justice and human rights, and improving outcomes in education and health, specifically health outcomes for marginalised members of society.
Natasha Naidu
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... Asian and Pacific law, Law and society and socio-legal research, studies of Asian society.
Dr Jamee Newland
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... global public health, gender and sexuality diversity of men who have sex with men and transgender women in Papua New Guinea, and sexual and reproductive health justice of young people, transgender women, and sex workers in Indonesia.
Professor Christy Newman
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... social aspects of health, gender and sexuality; diverse approaches to creating and caring for relationships, families and communities; LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing; social impacts of stigmatised blood borne viruses.
Dr Tran Nguyen
Talk to me about... social justice for marginalised groups in areas such as employment services, women's safety and student equity.
Assoc. Professor Rob Nicholls
Talk to me about... competition law and the regulation of both the financial services sector and networked industries.
Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... improving early detection, diagnosis and understanding of retinal disease, particularly macular degeneration.
Professor Heidi Norman
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... Aboriginal land rights; Aboriginal history; just transition.
Dr Katya Numbers
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... Ageism, age inclusivity, and why it is important to promote positive age stereotypes through intergenerational collaborations over a lifetime.
Professor Anne O'Brien
Art, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... housing, homelessness and history.
Dr Claire O'Connor
Talk to me about... Dementia, rehabilitation, implementation, evidence-informed practice, health care access.
Dr Yuvisthi Naidoo
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the measurement and understanding of living standards, with a focus on poverty, inequality, deprivation, social exclusion and wellbeing.
Jason O'Neil
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... Indigenous peoples' right to self-determination as peoples, and exercising that right through nationhood and self-governance.
Alba Olivares-Nadal
Talk to me about... the intersection between theoretical and applied mathematics, analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods.
Professor Andreas Ortmann
Talk to me about... game theory, corporate finance, experimental economics, the experimental methods in the social sciences, and the history of economic thought.
John Page
Talk to me about... how new technologies challenge human rights and how to keep artificial intelligence aligned with human freedoms, wishes and quality of life.
Anne Maree Payne
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... history, applied research with ‘real-world’ applications. public policy issues, including a National Resting Place for the Care of Indigenous Ancestral Remains.
Research profile.
Sam Pedram
Engineering (Canberra)
Talk to me about... urban and regional planning, infrastructure development, and program and project management.
Professor Nalini Pather
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... medical imaging and radiomics for diagnostic systems, blended/hybrid program and curriculum design, immersive technologies such AR/VR and 3D printing, and inclusive education.
Dr Noam Peleg
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... children’s lives and international children’s rights law, and its intersections with childhood studies, and international human rights law from a critical perspective.
Dr Shukla Poddar
Talk to me about... the implications of extreme weather events on energy generation, exploring synergy between wind and solar technology, modelling future PV module degradation rates.
Dr Badal Pokharel
Talk to me about... implementation of remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems (GIS) and machine learning algorithms to assess natural hazards
Dr Abhnil Prasad
Talk to me about... satellite remote sensing of clouds.
Dr Ram Prasad Mohanty
UNSW Canberra
Talk to me about... Machine learning, high-performance distributed computing, embedded systems, modelling & simulation, bioinformatics, data analysis and cyber security.
Dr Tertia Purves-Tyson
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... neurobiology of schizophrenia, finding novel molecular targets for the development of new interventions for the different symptom domains.
Dr Jake Rance
Art, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the politics of injecting drug use and the potential of qualitative research to challenge the stigmatised and discredited subjectivities, identities and knowledges commonly associated with people who inject drugs and/or who are living with Hepatitis C.
Assoc. Professor Simit Raval
Talk to me about... smart sensing data to visualise, identify and monitor mine environments.
Associate Professor Sridhar Ravi
Engineering/UNSW Canberra
Talk to me about... how humans interact with their environment and in this respect how disability may impact sensory perceptions.
Dr Joe Ren
Talk to me about... the interface of accounting and management across sustainability, public sector, labour, and education.
Professor Alison Ritter
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... Drugs, drug policy, government decision-making around drugs.
Professor Daniel Robinson
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the regulation of nature and knowledge, 'biopiracy', access and benefit-sharing relating to biological resources, appropriation and regulation of Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous/customary laws and biocultural protocols, ethical biotrade, political ecology, environmental policy and management.
Professor Mina Roces
Art, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... activism on behalf of migrants, gender issues, and vulnerable children/childhoods.
Dr Sushmita Ruj
Talk to me about... Cryptography, data privacy and blockchains, particularly how privacy preserving techniques can enable anonymous messaging and voting so that people can fight for their causes and still be safe.
Assoc. Professor Meead Saberi Kalaee
Talk to me about... traffic flow theory and characteristics, large-scale transportation network modelling, complex networks, pedestrian crowd dynamics and simulation, and urban data analytics and visualisation.
Professor Michael Alan Salter
Arts, Design & Architecture/Engineering
Talk to me about... child sexual exploitation and gendered violence, and applying critical and feminist theory to the study of complex trauma, with a focus on intersections with technology.
Professor Karin Sanders
Talk to me about... the impact of employees’ perceptions, understanding and attributions of human resource process approach on their attitudes and behaviours, such as their informal learning activities.
Associate Professor Jennifer Schulz
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... health law; health policy; coroners; patient safety.
Professor Krishna Kumar Shrestha
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... Global Indigenous Studies; Critical Development Studies; Environmental Governance; Disaster Resilience, and Climate Change Adaptation, in particular the intersection of the five with his work on environmental justice.
Research profile.
Dr Yunfei Shi
Talk to me about... how business analytics and artificial intelligence technologies create value for environmental and social impacts.
Dr Paul Simpson
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... health equity, prisons, LGBTIQ+, research ethics, justice health.
Dr Anthony K J Smith
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... how communities and health professionals engage with HIV prevention, care, and surveillance.
Dr Philippa Specker
Talk to me about... the psychological and environmental mechanisms that underpin psychological recovery and psychosocial adaption among people from refugee backgrounds.
Dr Andy Symington
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... corporate engagement with Indigenous communities in South America's lithium extraction industry and analysing the implications for renewable energy supply chains; business and human rights.
Dr Lana Tatour
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... settler colonialism, indigeneity, race, citizenship, human rights, and the Middle East with a focus on Palestine and Israel.
Scientia Professor Carla Treloar
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... the sociology of health, social determinants of health, social and personality psychology, health promotion and infectious diseases, with a particular interest in the fields of hepatitis C and injecting drug use.
Professor Julian Trollor
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... the health and wellbeing of people with cognitive disability.
Professor kylie valentine
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... methods and concepts from the sociology of knowledge, and how they can be used to understand social disadvantage and exclusion.
Professor Prue Vines
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... succession law and tort law; inheritance needs of Indigenous people in Australia; enforceability of interference with human rights including bodily integrity, rights to work.
Dr Caroline Wake
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... migration, memory, performance and visual culture.
Scientia Professor Toby Walsh
Talk to me about... advocating for limits to ensure AI is used to protect and improve our human rights.
Dr Xiaoyang Wang
Talk to me about... fairness computing and responsible machine learning in relation to human rights.
Dr Janelle Weise
Medicine & Health
Talk to me about... enhancing the capacity of the health and mental health workforce to deliver accessible, effective and efficient healthcare to people with an intellectual disability.
Assoc. Professor David White
Talk to me about... the potential for modern facial recognition technology – Deep Neural Networks – to model aspects of the face processing system in humans.
Assoc. Professor Jessica Whyte
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... political philosophy, contemporary forms of sovereignty, human rights, humanitarianism and militarism.
Assoc. Professor Lisa Williams
Talk to me about... how emotions shape and are shaped by social processes.
Professor Sarah Williams
Law & Justice
Talk to me about... international law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law and international disaster law.
Assoc. Professor Sue Williamson
Talk to me about... gender equality in the workplace, and public sector human resources and industrial relations.
Glen Wolter
Law & Justice
Talk to me about… international human rights law, strategic human rights litigation, new approaches to remedying human rights violations, domestic implementation of human rights obligations, interdisciplinary approaches to human rights research and advocacy, and LGBTQIA+ rights.
Assoc. Professor Fengshi Wu
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about... environmental politics, state-society relations, and global governance with the empirical focus on China and Asia.
Dr Joyce Wu
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about...gender and international development, with a specific focus on women and girls’ empowerment.
Dr Sophie Yates
Talk to me about... a gender and inequality lens on public administration and public policy.
Maziar Yazdani
Talk to me about... supporting vulnerable populations during disasters and emergencies.
Professor Anthony Zwi
Arts, Design & Architecture
Talk to me about...development and health responses to disasters and conflict and to how systems are established in the aftermath of crises.