The COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities for Carers in NSW

Consultation Report. Carers NSW. May 2020.

Consultation Report. Carers NSW.

May 2020.

Carers NSW has been closely monitoring COVID-19 developments in NSW, the ongoing government response and the wide ranging impacts the virus and associated social distancing requirements have had on carers. Carers have experienced a variety of impacts, both in relation to the people they care for and in relation to their own health and overall wellbeing. Many carers provide care and support to people who are in higher risk categories, and many are in higher risk categories themselves due to age or an existing health condition. These factors have resulted in complexities surrounding provision of care, particularly in maintaining social distancing.

Carers engaged in employment or education are in many cases required to carry out these activities from their home, with the support of digital technologies. Balancing paid work and caring is always a challenge, but particularly when both roles are conducted in the same location. Limited access to digital devices, connections and capabilities has also disadvantaged many carers, especially those who are culturally and linguistically diverse and live in regional and remote areas. The financial costs of caring have also increased at a time when many people are experiencing diminished employment security.

With some services ceasing or reducing in-person offerings, many carers have increased seen their caring responsibilities increase while their own support networks have decreased. In other cases, particularly where recipients of care live in residential settings, carers have been disconnected from their loved one at the request of providers who continue to adjust to infection control measures. The long term impacts of COVID-19 are yet to be fully understood, but it is likely that the mental and physical health and financial impacts of this period will be acutely felt into the future.

Carers NSW determined that it was crucial to hear directly from carers and other key stakeholders in order to gain a clear and accurate picture of the key issues, challenges and opportunities for carers during the pandemic. This report identifies the key findings of consultation conducted to inform Carers NSW service adjustments and systemic advocacy.

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